A documented journey on yummy food, good reads and thoughtful musings.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Hubby's Decision

We have been busy that last few days, stacking wood for the winter, working around the house and still doing fun summer stuff.  G is going away to camp this Sunday and we need to get her ready for that.  She goes for the week.  It will be the first time she is away for the week and not with another family memeber.  We are looking forward to it although I have a few motherly worries.  I know she will be fine and will have the time of her life.  She wanted to start packing last week - I think I will actually let her start tonight. 

We went to the park yesterday evening.  We packed up some food and drinks and off we went.  G loves to play at the park and she always manages to meet someone to play with.  She did so last night and the two of them had a good time together.  When we go to the park we take our books or magazines so we can have a nice time reading and watching G play.  My hubby was reading a new one of Neal Barnard's books, this one: 

Its a good one too.  My hubby is a diabetic and is insulin dependent so this is a good one for him to read.  I got it for myself with him in mind.  I have diabetes in my family as well - mostly adult on set so I want to be better informed and healthier so that I can do everything possible not to have diabetes and use medications.
As he was reading it, he announced that he should give Dr. Neal Barnard's plan a try.  We talked about it more and I think he is still wrapping his head around it but I know that logically he sees the sense in it and that it would be a benefit to him.  I suggested that he commit to the 3 week trial period and see how he fills.  For him, if he can feel better and is able to decrease the amount of insulin that he needs than the change is a good thing.  I am sure that we will continue to discuss.  Because I haven't been eating as much meat and I don't eat any dairy, it means that when I make dinner I make what I want and hubby and G eat it.  So, in a sense he is already part way there.  We did discuss some of the staples in his current diet like peanut butter and eggs.  He knows that he would need to find other options.

I'll let you know how it goes.   

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