A documented journey on yummy food, good reads and thoughtful musings.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Books I am reading.....

As mentioned in a previous post I am really enjoying several books by Dr. Neal Barnard.  He has done piles of research and has compiled information into a format that is easy to understand, read and follow.  Of all of his books I have the following ones:
  • The Get Healthy, Go Vegan Cookbook: 125 Easy and Delicious Recipes to Jump-Start Weight Loss and Help You Feel Great
  • Foods That Fight Pain: Revolutionary New Strategies For Maximum Pain Relief
  • Food For Life: How The New Four Food Groups Can Save Your Life
  • Eat Right, Live Longer: Using The Natural Power Of Foods To Age-proof Your Body
His books all are based on the same idea in that if you eliminate animal proteins including dairy and eggs that you will manage any pain you may have, you will loose weight, have more energy and feel better over all.  His research shows the effects of animal proteins in our bodies and how it causes and / or contributes to various health issues.  Given the past 2.5 years of my life and how I have felt and what I have felt I figured it was time to do what I could to do to live the best life possible and feel the best I could. 

In each of his books there are recipes and all sound good.  The provision of recipes makes it super easy to incorporate into your daily life.  I have tried a number of them and will start to highlight them here over the next little bit. 

He encourages everyone to try his eating plan for 3 weeks.  At the end of 3 weeks see how you feel and take notice of any changes etc.  He also stresses the importance of ensuring that your doctor has given you the go ahead to try it out.  I think if you are interested in seeing what you can do for yourself and how you can benfefit his books are worth a read and serious consideration.  Neal Barnard heads up the PCRM - here is the link http://www.pcrm.org/. Check it out - on the site is a 3 week vegan challenge that you can sign up for.  It will provide support to you as you try it out. 

I haven't fully committed to the 3 week trial but have effectively eliminated dairy products and eggs.  I find that less and less I am choosing meat to eat and to cook.  As a result of my choices my family will benefit.  My daughter will have less estrogens and hormones running through her body as a result of eating hormone injected animal proteins.  She will ultimately feel better.  I am lucky as my daughter is easy to feed and will generally try anything.  My hubby will also benefit in that he will also have more energy and being a diabetic he may find that his blood sugars are in better control.  I'll keep you up to date.

As for me, in addition to feeling better and managing my headaches and all that comes with getting older.  I have some weight I would like to loose.  I haven't weighed myself but I know that I have gained weight over the past 2.5 years and it is pretty stubborn to come off.  So, in addition to changing my diet for various reasons I also need to incorporate exercise.  I am heading off on vacation for the next little bit so once I have returned I will have a serious look at what will work for me and my life.  If anyone has any thoughts or has doen the 3 week challenge please feel free to share your experiences and thoughts with me. 

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