A documented journey on yummy food, good reads and thoughtful musings.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How it all began.....

It's been a journey to get to where I am today and I don't think that I am anywhere near the end or complete in the journey that I am taking. It all started in November 2007 with headaches and not feeling great. To make a long story short the next 6 - 8 months or so was a series of tests with medical folks which ended up showing nothing wrong with me. The headaches persisted through it all and it wasn;t until i got hooked up with a chiropractor that I had some relief. Not complete relief but enough so that I felt that I could at least function.

I continued to work through it all and thankfully had a very supportive employer and family. I missed a girls trip to Paris with my mom and sisters and missed many other events. I was and am okay with that as I go through this journey.

To try and deal with how I was feeling I started taking yoga and meditation classes. I am not sure if they worked for me at the time but it felt like it did so I continued for a while. I found that I would for a few days with no headache a feeling pretty good but than it would start all over. I was becoming a pill popping maniac to try and ease the pain.

Finally - I got smart and listened to my body and did what I should have done in the first place. I went to see a naturopath. She listened to me and asked lots of questions. I saw her in December of 2009 and life is significantly different now than it was a year ago. Through seeing her it was determined that my body does not like dairy or any form of it. To top it all off - it also doesn't like soya milk. Tofu seems okay but not the milk. It must be a processing thing. So, I cut out all dairy as well as wheat, yeast, sugars and such for awhile.

Through this journey of mine I have done lots of reading and self education to figure out what is going to work for me. I am at a point now where I feel like I can begin to exercise again and feel somewhat normal. its's been a long 2.5 years to get here.

I decided to start a blog as a way to document my journey as I think it may be healpful to others. I chose the title as I am finally figuring out what my expectations are for my health and ultimatley my life. I read alot of blogs and have become more educated as a result of them. I will post what I eat, the recipes that I cook, the books that I read and information about my exercise and life in general.

I hope that you enjoy it and if you have any thoughts or questions please feel free to contact me.

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